Shiv and Cemaaj are a dynamic and energetic duo. Full of fun and vitality, with a huge passion and knowledge for what they do and how they live, they will inspire you and leave you with concrete tips to make the journey yourself.
Meet Shiv
Meet Shiv

I am a former BigLaw Corporate Securities attorney who found life when death knocked at my door. My own extraordinary life began when I took charge and strayed from the path others laid out for me. In 2000, I made a conscious commitment to be “undefinable.” I was tired of fitting into a drop box when people asked what I did.
I wanted them to know WHO I am on the planet, not what I did for a living. And I wanted to know who there were beyond a job title and descrption-have you ever found that’s how we often communicate, by what we do and not who we are on
the planet?
I was done with following the rules only to have an empty life, deteriorating health, an expanding waistline, and only money in the bank to show for it.
I grew up being told that if I worked hard I could do and have anything. I worked hard, very hard, and the harder I worked, the more I earned and the more my time did not belong to me. I most certainly was not living the life of having or doing anything I desired.
I became a prisoner to my life. Of course now I realize that though my job was my prison, it was actually me that was the jailer. I held the key to my freedom yet did not realize this until I almost died.
As a six figure, international corporate lawyer my move to America was seen as “successful.” This is what I had wanted yet in getting there I felt so very empty and even more alone.
At over 200 pounds, I found myself fighting for my health, and to be honest, my sanity, I was blessed with nearly dying in a house fire. It is amazing how death brings everything into a different perspective. Three months later I walked out of that life and into a new volume of a story yet to unfold.

After what I now call my “10 Year Odyssey” I emerged on the other side of the law. There I found a life, where it is brighter, lighter, happier and definitely healthier than I ever thought possible.
What could be possible for you? It may be your job, your partner, you life circumstances-you know when your life doesn’t fit who you are.
Today I am committed to partnering with others who realize that the path laid is no longer theirs, those who know it is time to forge a new route, to go a different way to get a different result. Are you ready to start a new roadmap, no matter where you are in life, to a journey that is uniquely yours to have, a journey that starts with loving yourself from the inside out?
You don’t have to know where you are going or how you are going to get there. You just need to know that where you are is not where you want to be and we can figure the rest out together.
Once you determine that where you are is not where you want to be, and that you are worthy of love, especially from yourself, everything becomes possible. It takes a vision, a plan, action, support and accountability, and, together with Cemaaj, I am here to walk with you every step of the way.
It is time to Live, Love and Be Loved—from the inside out.

Meet Cemaaj
I have always been blessed with a deep sense of self. Unlike Shiv I did not have a problem standing up for myself or with loving myself.
Like Shiv, I too found myself living a life that was not mine to live. Sure, others seemed to be OK with it, but I was not. I wanted more.
I wanted to be of service during my time on the planet.
I started my journey as an entrepreneur very early in life

and as an adult I have run a number of businesses, each of which has aided me in expanding the gifts and talents that I share.
The landscape of my life has not always been filled with roses. After leaving Corporate America more than ten years ago I had little if any direction. One thing I knew for certain was that the cubicle lifestyle was not for me.
Again, like Shiv, I wanted to make a difference, I wanted more from life even though those around me wanted me to believe this was not possible.
My mission is to provide entrepreneurs, business owners, coaches, speakers, authors and agents of change, with information, tools, and strategies to identify areas in their life and business that are working and those that are not.
Being on this journey with Shiv and in working together, it became clear to me that self-worth, and ultimately loving yourself, was often the missing piece in many people’s lives.
Working on improving business skills can only take you so far, if you have not come to the place of loving yourself. It all begins with accepting ALL of who you are. Only then can the other changes really make a difference in your life.
I truly believe that without being firm in who you are, what you stand for, and living a life that aligns with your deepest values, these are the things that hold you back from being the bright shining star you were born to be.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. It is never too late to chart a new course. A new day always dawn and new choices can be made. New habits formed as old ones are let go.
It all starts, and ends, with YOU and how you feel in the world, The more you accept yourself the more the you will feel accepted in the world.
Join us and make this your turning point for making lasting change, so you can live the life you were born to live!!!

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