Your life. Your rules.
Make it matter.

We cannot control what life throws at us, but we can learn to control our reaction to it. This is where the magik happens and it is the beginning of a journey not only to self-love but to life itself.
United by our collective desire to be happy and free from suffering, we are often distracted by what we think should make us happy, the proverbial carrot on the stick, only to get there to find the feeling is a fleeting and hollow at best..
As terrible as it may feel, this can be a fantastic place to find yourself. This is where opportunity is pregnant with invitations for you to make change. Your greatest challenge can become your greatest gift, if only you are willing to do something different. READ MORE
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Quick note to self as I sit in tranquility on a Sunday evening, perhaps it’s a note that speaks to you as well: Appliances take batteries and electricity to charge, humans need love and friendship. When appliances run out of power they merely need to have their...
In my last post we talked about powering down our devices to power up our very selves. But what if it's not just your devices that are draining you. Other factors that can come into play are people, places and circumstances. Perhaps you are feeling down, plain old dog...
It’s easy to judge others for doing something different to what we believe in. It was not an easy decision for me to come to. But like all big decisions, I let it percolate and arise organically dealing with the information I have, and always checking in on the progress along the way.
Bust through post holidaze stress with this powerful Kundalini Kriya
When we get too stressed with life, it is human nature to put even more pressure on ourselves. And of course this causes even more stress. It can be a vicious cycle, and with New Year and the holidays just passed, it seems many are a pressure cooker of stress just...
Is life running out while you are preparing to live?
Join me today as I share a quote that reminds me of the beginning of this volume of my life. When I nearly died I realized how truly precious this human life. and the simple things we take for granted, really are. How about you? Is time clicking by as you run around...
And just when I thought I had my diet figured out, I find out I need to change it…deep breath Shiv
One thing all challenges seem to have in common is timing, they always come at the most inconvenient (or so it seems) of times. Of course another thing they, challenges that is, have in common, is that on the other side of the challenge, over the crest of the...
Yoga + Meditation

This is where the magik happens
Feel better than ever, Build courage, stamina and vitality from the inside out. View More…
Food Freedom

Find food freedom without deprivation Join Shiv in the kitchen for her favorite plant-based recipes. Always simple and delicious. View More…
Lifestyle Tips

Wherever you are there you go
Life doesn’t have to be all work and no play, join Shiv for tips to live your life by your rules. View More…
Get started now!
Shine your brilliance into the world.
You are more powerful than you know and you deserve to live a life that feels good to you. It’s time to stop beating yourself up View More…
Life + Work
Are you looking for life work balance? It doesn’t exist! The good news is, there is another way. View More…
Speaking + Workplace
There are those that speak and there are those that set you and your team on fire. Shiv will not only bring … View More…

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